The domain started in 2007 as a web repository to collect lectures, courses, workshops, and other activities associated with my academic tenure at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University.
However, my initial vision was that EgyBio would be the fruit of a team work--a nucleus for a network of young and "younger" scientists to work together on pushing bioinfromatics, systems biology, and genome sciences into the Egyptian resesarch milieu.
As of today, Jan 1st 2011 (1/1/11), the actual page is born as a first step towards a non-profit online organization which benefits from the novel web-based tools to overcome geographical and economic limitations. In simpler terms, many Egyptian scientists have to travel to conduct parts of their research projects in countries with better established scientific infrastructures; however, they still seek to communicate with one another and to work with Egyptian-based students, scholars, peers, and mentors to produce the highest quality science.
On its launch, the EgyBio website already has a courses page, several blogs, and several associated projects. Since the site and the projects are currently not funded, the progress in populating the web page will be relatively slow in 2011, but will reach a reasonable speed by the end of the year.
The current template design was gratefully downloaded from Arscin Templates under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License, but, as the site content evolves, we will adopt a more versatile content management system.